domingo, 4 de diciembre de 2011


Today i am very phlisophy and i want to explain why is bad the intelligence in person ?
and why is good the inllegince in a person?
In my opinion are very difficult answer because the different person can think different answers because each person can have got a diferent opinion diferent culture ...
For me this intellingence in us is a bad because we could to live without think abous our death !
because the person are very little we know which is the death and we live in this event ! VV
and we think one day all person will dead because our intellingence do we know those things ! because the animals not afraid about the death ! because they not know this event. And we made bombs very dangerous for all person , species , nature, plants... living in the world our intellingence is very horrible because also can do experiments with many animals and those animals we have not done anything is more sad ..... always think of us not and not for others .... we are the species more selfish in the world.
But this intellingence help us understand more things about our world.
Because more persons dead for deseases and we can find to cure this desease because we have got a intelingence where we can do miracles ! O.O **


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