domingo, 10 de junio de 2012


Hello today i want to explain about my village Qing Tian , Qing Tian is village in the China but you can compare Vic an Qing Tian and you can see Qing Tian is bigger than Vic I am speak about a small village in the China ! ahah Is normal because China can compare to Europa the big.
In my village before was more poor. And other persons don't like this village persons,because people in this village haven't got good studies,but is incredible about bussines because in Spain 70% the chinese people are Qing Tian people !  And all open shops, bar , companies..But in my village have changed more things because now, there are more technologies and more persons now see my village the other manner because isn't poor like before.

Hello today i want to explain about my grandmother dad, he is 94 years old ! Is very old but when you see him is like he is younger than 94 years ! Is incredible! Because I remember when i go to the China in holiday seven years ago , I think he was my grandmother friend but he told me he was my grandmother dad ! O.O because he  could cycling every morning was incredible but is normal because he lives in the field ans have good respiration and good live quality because is all natural things and more persons in this village Qing Tian can arrive in 100 years old !!


I think is very important have a intellectual intelligence this intelligent is  study. Going to the university in the future because in the future more children will know more languages and the people we will be more international than now , but study is the one part to have a well future the other part and the most important part is the people we have the emotional intelligence I think this intelligence is very important to the economy world and very important to have good future because the person doesn't have emotional intelligence is very difficult to make things because the first is to think one objective and after do this is like a first you have a think one thing which you want to say and after say this thing.I think is very important practice your emotional intelligence. Because more people first make a thing and after think is good or is bad.

Sandara is my favorite actress in Korea South, she is 28 years old, and her group name is 2ne1, she is the most famous and popular in this group i very like her voice, and she is very beautiful and pretty.She is the first member in into this group . I very like her songs in solo because I think she is in the group who has the best voice ! TT Because she is in Korea is very far than Spain TT But I hope one day i will can go to Korea to see her group concerts !

sábado, 9 de junio de 2012

                  MY DAD
Today i want to speak about my dad, this year my dad is forty years old! He is pig in chinese horoscope, is very strange because my mother ,my grandfather, my grandmother  and I we are the pig ! Is very strange coincidence because for be the pig is every twelve years. My dad when arrived in Spain he start working in the restaurant very younger , he was the cooker because my grandfathers haven-t got money to pay my father studies. Was very difficult for my father to learn spanish because every day he was in the kitchen and never to talk with other persons. The next year my grandfather decide to open the restaurant in a Manresa . My father doesn't like the idea to work for my grandfather and he  decided to open other restaurant too and he decided open the restaurant with my mother when they have got my big sister . I remember this restaurant was in a Rubí in Bartrina Street is very little to compare my grandfather brother WOK ! But was normal because my fathers hadn't got money to pay in those moments.
I was born in 1995 in Terrassa my fathers decided to open  shop in Manlleu in 2002, I remember the first shop was in a Sant Joan street this shop was very little too but was the first Chinese shop in the Manlleu, years after my father to decided open other shop in the Sant Pere Street this shop was and is very big to compare other shops like a Sant juan Street. And years after my dad to close the little shop and open other bussines, was Bar ! Is very normal to chinese go to the other country to open shopd, supermarkets, bar etc....                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

viernes, 1 de junio de 2012


Confucio is the most important philosophy in China. I think he was very clever and very wise. He created Confucianism, he left in dynasty Lu.His ideology is based of 3 dynasty, and his principal ideology is composed for : Humanity ,virtue, benevolence, loyalty, respect and education but usually is the morality of the human conduct and government, because he want to teach ways of governing .
These my favorite phrases: 
 I write in Spanish because to traduce English i don't likexD ! 
1.Exígete mucho a ti mismo y espera poco de los demás. Así te ahorrarás disgustos.
2.Los vicios vienen como pasajeros, nos visitan como huéspedes y se quedan como amos.
3.Si no estamos en paz con nosotros mismos, no podemos guiar a otros en la búsqueda de la paz.
4.El hombre que ha cometido un error y no lo corrige comete otro error mayor.

Hello today i want to explain about my favorite group of K-pop, this group is very famous in the world.
This group is composed for 5 members and all are boys. The group members names are:Known Ji Yong, Dong Yong Bae, Choi Seung Hyun, Kang Daseung,Lee Seung Hyun, These names is difficult to remember xd . But they have got nicknames and are more easier than their really names : G-dragon,Taeyang, TOP,Daesang and Seungri.
My favorite member in this group is Taeyang his nickname mean sun in chinese. He is 24 years old and has got a big brother.
In this group is composed for very handsome and very younger men =D ! ahha Maybe is this reason because i like this group xd hahah ! This is their famous song. *.*

And their photo :D !