domingo, 10 de junio de 2012


Hello today i want to explain about my village Qing Tian , Qing Tian is village in the China but you can compare Vic an Qing Tian and you can see Qing Tian is bigger than Vic I am speak about a small village in the China ! ahah Is normal because China can compare to Europa the big.
In my village before was more poor. And other persons don't like this village persons,because people in this village haven't got good studies,but is incredible about bussines because in Spain 70% the chinese people are Qing Tian people !  And all open shops, bar , companies..But in my village have changed more things because now, there are more technologies and more persons now see my village the other manner because isn't poor like before.

Hello today i want to explain about my grandmother dad, he is 94 years old ! Is very old but when you see him is like he is younger than 94 years ! Is incredible! Because I remember when i go to the China in holiday seven years ago , I think he was my grandmother friend but he told me he was my grandmother dad ! O.O because he  could cycling every morning was incredible but is normal because he lives in the field ans have good respiration and good live quality because is all natural things and more persons in this village Qing Tian can arrive in 100 years old !!


I think is very important have a intellectual intelligence this intelligent is  study. Going to the university in the future because in the future more children will know more languages and the people we will be more international than now , but study is the one part to have a well future the other part and the most important part is the people we have the emotional intelligence I think this intelligence is very important to the economy world and very important to have good future because the person doesn't have emotional intelligence is very difficult to make things because the first is to think one objective and after do this is like a first you have a think one thing which you want to say and after say this thing.I think is very important practice your emotional intelligence. Because more people first make a thing and after think is good or is bad.

Sandara is my favorite actress in Korea South, she is 28 years old, and her group name is 2ne1, she is the most famous and popular in this group i very like her voice, and she is very beautiful and pretty.She is the first member in into this group . I very like her songs in solo because I think she is in the group who has the best voice ! TT Because she is in Korea is very far than Spain TT But I hope one day i will can go to Korea to see her group concerts !

sábado, 9 de junio de 2012

                  MY DAD
Today i want to speak about my dad, this year my dad is forty years old! He is pig in chinese horoscope, is very strange because my mother ,my grandfather, my grandmother  and I we are the pig ! Is very strange coincidence because for be the pig is every twelve years. My dad when arrived in Spain he start working in the restaurant very younger , he was the cooker because my grandfathers haven-t got money to pay my father studies. Was very difficult for my father to learn spanish because every day he was in the kitchen and never to talk with other persons. The next year my grandfather decide to open the restaurant in a Manresa . My father doesn't like the idea to work for my grandfather and he  decided to open other restaurant too and he decided open the restaurant with my mother when they have got my big sister . I remember this restaurant was in a Rubí in Bartrina Street is very little to compare my grandfather brother WOK ! But was normal because my fathers hadn't got money to pay in those moments.
I was born in 1995 in Terrassa my fathers decided to open  shop in Manlleu in 2002, I remember the first shop was in a Sant Joan street this shop was very little too but was the first Chinese shop in the Manlleu, years after my father to decided open other shop in the Sant Pere Street this shop was and is very big to compare other shops like a Sant juan Street. And years after my dad to close the little shop and open other bussines, was Bar ! Is very normal to chinese go to the other country to open shopd, supermarkets, bar etc....                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

viernes, 1 de junio de 2012


Confucio is the most important philosophy in China. I think he was very clever and very wise. He created Confucianism, he left in dynasty Lu.His ideology is based of 3 dynasty, and his principal ideology is composed for : Humanity ,virtue, benevolence, loyalty, respect and education but usually is the morality of the human conduct and government, because he want to teach ways of governing .
These my favorite phrases: 
 I write in Spanish because to traduce English i don't likexD ! 
1.Exígete mucho a ti mismo y espera poco de los demás. Así te ahorrarás disgustos.
2.Los vicios vienen como pasajeros, nos visitan como huéspedes y se quedan como amos.
3.Si no estamos en paz con nosotros mismos, no podemos guiar a otros en la búsqueda de la paz.
4.El hombre que ha cometido un error y no lo corrige comete otro error mayor.

Hello today i want to explain about my favorite group of K-pop, this group is very famous in the world.
This group is composed for 5 members and all are boys. The group members names are:Known Ji Yong, Dong Yong Bae, Choi Seung Hyun, Kang Daseung,Lee Seung Hyun, These names is difficult to remember xd . But they have got nicknames and are more easier than their really names : G-dragon,Taeyang, TOP,Daesang and Seungri.
My favorite member in this group is Taeyang his nickname mean sun in chinese. He is 24 years old and has got a big brother.
In this group is composed for very handsome and very younger men =D ! ahha Maybe is this reason because i like this group xd hahah ! This is their famous song. *.*

And their photo :D !

martes, 27 de marzo de 2012


Hello today  I want to explain about Dj Tiesto, this Dj is the best in the world and he has been to play in the more countries in the world for example in Ibiza, Greece, Asia and more now i don't remember.He has create 16 albums in his career in the dj world , I really like his music because is very original compare with other dj. 

viernes, 16 de marzo de 2012


More persons thinks Geisha is a bitch in Japan but they aren't bitch because she work is be contracted for man they have got more money and they want to the geisha make them happy when she sing for them or dance for them , only sing and dance,  usually are the man have got more money because the geisha work is more expensive usually a hour she pay 800 EUROS ! They are more expensive ! Before you be geisha you need to be Maiko is the apprentice of geisha. Before the bit girls could arrive a be geisha but now more Japaneses girls are geishas and other countries too.
There is a film very famous name is Memories of a geisha is very famous and you can see like were the geisha .


The Simpsons is very old series because when I was very younger I every day after have a lunch I sat in the sofa and I watched The Simpsons, Th e Simpsons is the family have got two daughters and one soon. The soon name is Bart Simpson he is the big brother in the family and is more rebel and always wears blue trousers and orange T-shirt, and Lisa is his sister, the second is the most intelligent in her family and is very nice girl and she always wears orange dress ,and the most younger in the family is Maggy she is the baby and she always wearing blue body. Their father is Homer Simpsons he likes eat donuts and hasn't got hair,and her mother is Mart she has got  a blue long hair and she is very careful and sensible.

The adventures in this family is very funny and this series is very famous in the world no only in USA.

Today I explain you different urban style you can see in the street. 
You can see the girl wearing baggy trousers and sometimes leggings  , the trainers brands like DiC, Vans , Adidas, Nike  and always baggy t - shirt or tyrants and usually have hats rappers they this style is the Hip Hop style.
Also we can say the Hip hop is the style to dance and song too .
This culture is create in the streets and before the people don't like this style because they say is very for the rebels children but now is the style more famous around the world ^ ^ !

Goodnight ! Today i want to explain my favorite manga the name is Naruto , this series is have got 220 episodes ! But wait the moment 220 episodes only when he was a children because when the protagonist have got 20 years the name of manga is Naruto Shippuden and has more chapter i think is about 500 episodes ! 
This film is about ninja and have got more clans of the ninjas, and their clans have got especial things. Naruto haven't got the clan is the normal ninja ! NO ! sorry he is the ninja who have got the demon in his interior and more persons don't like Naruto and when he was children more person hate he because this demon before had killed more person when he had got a hard childhood . But he when teenager he started to meet friends and is very funny his stories which are about the love, fights etc... ahahah ^^ ! I very like this series because i very like manga but now i watch very bit mangas. 


Hello ! Today i want to explain you 10 secrets for you can be happy :) :

First secret : 
Attitude : Always you think you are very happy because you have got bad attitude you will feel badly . Because it no depends the situation it depends you can feel. 

Second secret :
Body : is important do exercise because you can stress and start to be worried more things and if you do sports you can liberate the stress. 
Third secret :
The moment : The happiness isn't is the month , days , hours, is the moment now ! and you don't think other things about you past and the your future you enjoy every moment you can feel happy :) ! 

Fourth secret : 
Our image : You think I love me because i like my all xD and you will be very more self-esteem ^^ is very important but in teenagers is more important than older persons because they aren't like their physical and they want to be like a model. 

Fifth secret :
Our goals : The dream and goals is very different you can have got the dream but the goals? You can arrived to achieve the goals! Is very important for you self-esteem because the person we have got a goals and you get goals you will be can more happy compare to  only dreams. 

Sixth secret : 
The humor : Is more important you can smile because your head receive this signal you feel good and you can feel more good. 

Seventh secret : 
FORGIVE : the hatred is very bad because you when hate a person you can feel badly and you can't be happy due to this you can forgive this person and you can feel good ^^

Eighth secret :
Give : if you give the love other person give to you love too. 

Ninth secret :
The relations : When you have got a goals and these goals involved other person . For exemple : You love a boy this boy is the relation for you get this goal and you be happy.

Tenth secret : 
The faith : the faith create reliable and you have got reliable you can live in harmony, piece and without problems. Is very important you have got reliable in you.

Are the ten things essential for you can be happy ^ ^ ! 


Goodnight ! Today I want to explain you about iphone 5 in China xd ! Is very extraordinary the news technology like can cause much effect on the people i can't think xd ahhahah Because in China is the first country to sell Iphone 5 and the first day there are more persons to waiting to buy this Iphone and after they say haven't money XD if you ask he Why ? Their ought a Iphone and the answers will be .. I bought the iphone 5 and was very expensive 500 euros I don't understand these persons who are very like technology and spend more money in mobile phone VV and after they haven't got money to buy food, pay their house, ... And the younger person spend more. 
I saw the news in Tv and is very ridiculous because there are more persons in the door wait to buy Iphone and they closed the door for the other person don't enter because they have fear someone can steal the Iphone 5 ! 

My favourite singer in USA is Rihanna ! She sing fabulous she have got a fabulous voice *.* ! And she is very beautiful too. She is very famous on the world she is the  international singer now ! The *Umbrella* Is the first song which she start to be famous international in the world ! The Umbrella this song was wrote for the Britney Spears to sing, but she doesn't want to sing this song and the escriptor found Rihanna to sing this song and finally was this song was successful and now too .
She after this song she starts to sing other songs with other singers very famous too, like Calvin Harris, Justin Timberlake and more famous. She was married with other famous singer name is Chris Brown but now are separate, because he sticked she VV . I think she can to have other person who will treat her well than Chris .
In actually, the Rihanna have go 24 years she starts to sing when she was in primary because, she and two friends create the music group , started like a game. But now she is the very important international singer.


Hello today i want to comment you about terrorist groups and their actions ...
They think is very normal kill more persons because they don't know who is the person they will kill only know their names and their kill other persons for nothing... They don't think these persons have got family who is very important in their life, in my opinion they haven't got feelings and only they think of them . Sometimes I think .And if they happen to them ? What would do ? will they continued or they would stop?VV but i want to think these persons would do ... VV they are terrorrific and bad persons. But their families haven't got the blame.. But I think is they thought before to commit the crime maybe they wouldn't do because we are the persons and we have got the reasoning, of do things if are good, and bad but hey have got bit reasong in their heads...


Hello ! Today i want to explain you about a person is very important for me she is my best friend and her name is alba !
She is older than me one year because she repeated in quarter primary, she is very good person because if you need someone help you she always will be here . And she is the person i have very reliable with , and always if i have the problem i explain to she but no always are the problems ahahahhah because she has the news about something she always explain we are very gossip xD because we are the womens ahahah and sometimes we explain about boys , family , clothes ahahah and our conversations are very funny and rare hahahahhah but we are like the sisters ^^ ! I think you when have problems you best person with you can talk about ths problem is your best friend because is a person with you can have got she like a second family ! I really happy can meet a person with who i can have absoletly reliable. ^^ And i have more friends but not the same like the best friend ! But are very good person too because are the persons with who i spend my life big of part in my life ! And my half part about my happiness is thanks for these persons and other part is caused my family ^^ !


martes, 6 de marzo de 2012


Hey ! Today i explain you about teenagers ! 
I think the teenagers in actually are very peas and they are haven't got education! 
I don't know because in this moment if you go a High School more teachers are threatened  for their students ! Is very sad ... VV ! And in 80's or 90' students are very respected their teachers and they have got fear they ! And now you can see is opposite! The teachers have got fear in their students VV ! And students now they are very peas because they haven't got fear to their  teachers and they think not important the teacher scold to student ! Where teenagers  will arrive in the future I think the future will be very bad compared than now ! VV 

                     NOW                              BEFORE

Today i want to explain fama !
This is my favorite program, because since i was very younger i had like watch other people dance because i think is very nice watch in the world have got more types of dance ! And my favorite dance is street dance is very fabulous when you watch other people they can do more very strange things I think when they very younger started to practice! This program you can see street dance , lyrics dance and funk is really exciting ! Because you don't know who will be the winner !