viernes, 16 de marzo de 2012


Hello ! Today i want to explain you 10 secrets for you can be happy :) :

First secret : 
Attitude : Always you think you are very happy because you have got bad attitude you will feel badly . Because it no depends the situation it depends you can feel. 

Second secret :
Body : is important do exercise because you can stress and start to be worried more things and if you do sports you can liberate the stress. 
Third secret :
The moment : The happiness isn't is the month , days , hours, is the moment now ! and you don't think other things about you past and the your future you enjoy every moment you can feel happy :) ! 

Fourth secret : 
Our image : You think I love me because i like my all xD and you will be very more self-esteem ^^ is very important but in teenagers is more important than older persons because they aren't like their physical and they want to be like a model. 

Fifth secret :
Our goals : The dream and goals is very different you can have got the dream but the goals? You can arrived to achieve the goals! Is very important for you self-esteem because the person we have got a goals and you get goals you will be can more happy compare to  only dreams. 

Sixth secret : 
The humor : Is more important you can smile because your head receive this signal you feel good and you can feel more good. 

Seventh secret : 
FORGIVE : the hatred is very bad because you when hate a person you can feel badly and you can't be happy due to this you can forgive this person and you can feel good ^^

Eighth secret :
Give : if you give the love other person give to you love too. 

Ninth secret :
The relations : When you have got a goals and these goals involved other person . For exemple : You love a boy this boy is the relation for you get this goal and you be happy.

Tenth secret : 
The faith : the faith create reliable and you have got reliable you can live in harmony, piece and without problems. Is very important you have got reliable in you.

Are the ten things essential for you can be happy ^ ^ ! 

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